Friday, February 6, 2015

Do you wanna feel a snowball?

So, one of my besties and neighbor, Carrie Howell, recently shared with us some dessert treats her husband brought home from work. We all know what a snowball is, right? (reference photo at the left) Well, my kids have managed to go through all their years without even the slightest introduction to this staple in the realm of packaged cake treats. The pink coconut dusting on the outside had the kids baffled and reluctant to try it, so I decided to quarter it up so they could each try a small sample. As I placed my fingers gingerly around the buoyant marshmallow shell, it felt so strangely something I feel every day but I couldn't place at first. Hmmm, soft and spongy at first touch, but press a bit harder and you'll find a curiously unyielding core. Then it hit me...holy crap, my new titties feel just like TastyKake Snowball treats! So, if you are even remotely curious about what it feels like to have breast reconstruction with silicone gel implants, all you have to do is peruse the snack aisle of your local grocery store or gas station. Cop a cheap feel on a not-so-fresh package of snowballs and you'll have some idea what it's like having these things clinging to my chest. Yes, they have softened to some degree, but they are still nowhere near as pillowy and supple as the boobies I grew myself.

While I'm on a roll comparing my chest jewels to sweet treats, here's another serving of TMI for you to ponder as you kick off your weekend. I am a quarter of a nipple away from being done with the reconstruction process! I know I have not blogged for an unbelievable 6 months now (where the hell did that time go?!?!?), but one of the many things that has happened in that time is I had my first go-round of nipple tattooing back in December. Funny thing is that the top right quadrant of my left nipple didn't cooperate and the tattooing sloughed off. It's looks like someone stole a piece of nipple pie. Not to worry, it shall all be restored next Wednesday when I go back for my second and final date with the tattoo needle. Once I'm fully nipplized (yeah, I just made a new word), that will leave me with only quarterly oncologist checkups for now...unless I chose to address the unfortunate extra mini-boob I got out of the deal. No, I didn't  even request the "three-for-two" special.

Cheers and be sure to nibble some pie and cake this weekend...I did say "nibble" not "nipple." I hope I didn't ruin it for you!

1 comment:

  1. I've missed your blog posts. This one made me smile many times. Love your writing!! And yes, I did read nipple on that last line at first. :-)
