Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Mom

My mom this summer with two of her snuggle bugs

As you can imagine, it has been tough for my mom to sit on the sidelines watching her daughter go through this battle with breast cancer. She's said so many times, "If only I could hold you in my arms or hold your hand..." As much as I wished that could happen, I insisted she stay put and take care of her own health issues first. I am strong and can handle this. I need my mom to be free from pain and strong herself in case I should stumble along this journey and need that care only a mother can give. I am happy to announce she has cleared two huge hurdles on her road to recovery. She had her bladder surgery yesterday and is home resting and recovering. I'm hoping her pain subsides quickly and she can get back on her feet soon. Even more of a relief are the results of her own recent breast mass biopsy. Yes, through all this, she had her own scare involving a call-back mammogram followed by a biopsy. I couldn't be more elated to report the biopsy showed a benign cyst in the same location she had one removed years ago. There is mercy! Mom, I love you with all my heart and can't wait to wrap my arms around you in a short 38 days!!!

1 comment:

  1. We all need our Mom to hold our hand, no matter how strong we are. There's no shame in that. I know it will be wonderful for all of you to be back in Texas for Christmas. Then you can hold Mom's hand for the entire visit and absorb some more of that strength that you have already received from her your entire life. Your whole family is strong and you will get through this together, even if miles apart.

    Also, am super happy to know Momma Kathy is on the road to recovery. Wishing her a speedy recovery!
