Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Great News!

I have some more grand news to report. Genentech, the manufacturer of the new cancer drug I am taking called Perjeta, called to tell me they have enrolled me in their co-pay program. In a nutshell, they will pay for the bulk of my treatments with both that drug and the Herceptin I will take for a year! I will be responsible for a co-payment that will make this much more affordable plus my wonderful Doctor Flora is off the hook taking on financial responsibility which he did so willingly! His office worked wonders getting me into this program, and I am so very grateful!

There are kind, compassionate people and companies doing some amazing things for people. I refuse to buy into the gloom and doom cynicism we hear so much about these days. We are so fortunate to live in a country where people care so deeply and go out of their way to help those in need. I have been touched by the outpouring of care by not only my doctors, but their hard-working, deeply-caring nursing and support staff. I get calls regularly from my new friend Bev at Dr. Heidi Murley's office checking in to see how I'm doing and offering help in any way possible. She has offered to drive me to appointments, watch kids, whatever I need despite her own set of challenges she faces with a sick husband and demanding career. I received such an uplifting note from a nurse named Kim from the same office whom I only encountered once during my biopsy, but she was so touched by my story and the time we spent together that tough day that she took the time to write the most uplifting letter to me. I could keep going with all the small gestures I experience nearly every time I step into a medical facility these days. So much compassion gives me great hope.

The caring and support doesn't stop there. So many folks at my husband's office, Empire Foods, and at Kroger have offered so much help in the way of thoughts, prayers, meals and more. Here in Parlor Grove, I have found even more wonderful support from Emily Stinson who has run my daughter home from activities and checks in to see if there's anything I need. There is a group of ladies here, too, who have already lined up a meal for after my next chemo on December 2. What an amazing community I live in! I am humbled and blessed.


  1. Wonderful news!! Just adds to the list of things to be thankful for!! It's always heart warming to hear of all those who are being so helpful and supportive to you.

  2. That is so fabulous honey!!! You are getting exactly what you've given in life...and you deserve it all tenfold!!
