Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Great News!

I have some more grand news to report. Genentech, the manufacturer of the new cancer drug I am taking called Perjeta, called to tell me they have enrolled me in their co-pay program. In a nutshell, they will pay for the bulk of my treatments with both that drug and the Herceptin I will take for a year! I will be responsible for a co-payment that will make this much more affordable plus my wonderful Doctor Flora is off the hook taking on financial responsibility which he did so willingly! His office worked wonders getting me into this program, and I am so very grateful!

There are kind, compassionate people and companies doing some amazing things for people. I refuse to buy into the gloom and doom cynicism we hear so much about these days. We are so fortunate to live in a country where people care so deeply and go out of their way to help those in need. I have been touched by the outpouring of care by not only my doctors, but their hard-working, deeply-caring nursing and support staff. I get calls regularly from my new friend Bev at Dr. Heidi Murley's office checking in to see how I'm doing and offering help in any way possible. She has offered to drive me to appointments, watch kids, whatever I need despite her own set of challenges she faces with a sick husband and demanding career. I received such an uplifting note from a nurse named Kim from the same office whom I only encountered once during my biopsy, but she was so touched by my story and the time we spent together that tough day that she took the time to write the most uplifting letter to me. I could keep going with all the small gestures I experience nearly every time I step into a medical facility these days. So much compassion gives me great hope.

The caring and support doesn't stop there. So many folks at my husband's office, Empire Foods, and at Kroger have offered so much help in the way of thoughts, prayers, meals and more. Here in Parlor Grove, I have found even more wonderful support from Emily Stinson who has run my daughter home from activities and checks in to see if there's anything I need. There is a group of ladies here, too, who have already lined up a meal for after my next chemo on December 2. What an amazing community I live in! I am humbled and blessed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Mom

My mom this summer with two of her snuggle bugs

As you can imagine, it has been tough for my mom to sit on the sidelines watching her daughter go through this battle with breast cancer. She's said so many times, "If only I could hold you in my arms or hold your hand..." As much as I wished that could happen, I insisted she stay put and take care of her own health issues first. I am strong and can handle this. I need my mom to be free from pain and strong herself in case I should stumble along this journey and need that care only a mother can give. I am happy to announce she has cleared two huge hurdles on her road to recovery. She had her bladder surgery yesterday and is home resting and recovering. I'm hoping her pain subsides quickly and she can get back on her feet soon. Even more of a relief are the results of her own recent breast mass biopsy. Yes, through all this, she had her own scare involving a call-back mammogram followed by a biopsy. I couldn't be more elated to report the biopsy showed a benign cyst in the same location she had one removed years ago. There is mercy! Mom, I love you with all my heart and can't wait to wrap my arms around you in a short 38 days!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Chemo Round Two Starts with a Miracle

I had something miraculous happen yesterday. Before my second round of chemo, I had a meeting with my medical oncologist, Dr. Douglas Flora. Much to my delight, he informed me that I would, indeed, be the 1st woman at the OHC practice to receive the brand-new drug called Perjeta recently FDA approved in neoadjuvant advanced breast cancer treatment for patients like myself with HER2 positive receptors. My doctor is very hopeful that this will help me live a longer life and knock down the recurrence rates which tend to run high with my flavor of cancer. He further informed me that my insurance company will not cover Perjeta because it is too new and still about three months away from being the go-to treatment given to all cases like mine. The medicine will cost in the ballpark of $90,000. Now here comes the miraculous part. My doctor takes breast cancer very personally. He lost his mother at a young age to breast cancer. Dr. Flora said to me, "You must live. You are a special case. You need to be there for your children." He vowed that if they couldn't get the insurance company to overturn their decision, he would pick up the tab for the new drug. In fact, he had already signed the paper accepting financial responsibility. I was nearly speechless as tears ran down my face. It's not every day someone gives you the gift of life and asks for nothing in return. The genuine compassion and care this man takes with me, with his other patients, is beyond heroic. I am humbled and so extremely thankful for being given the chance to fight this cancer with all the weapons that are available today. Not three months from now when it will do me no good because there is a synergistic relationship that couples with the three other chemo drugs I am on right now. All I can simply say is, "Thank you, Dr. Flora! You're my hero!"

So I went into my second round of chemo bolstered by the miracle that had just been presented to me. Allow me to backtrack for just a moment...I started the day off with one of the worst migraine headaches I've ever had. Let me tell you this is a very uncool way to go into chemo day. But the news from my doctor as well as a little help he gave me in the form of some migraine medicine through my port, made me feel better walking out of chemo than when I got there. I slept through all 4 1/2 hours of my chemo while sucking in six bags of medicine. I got up, drove myself home, and couldn't wait to share today's gift with my husband.

Oh, I have some additional good news. I got my initial genetic testing report back. My BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes tested negative for mutations. These two gene mutations are the most common ones associated with breast and ovarian cancer. This is fantastic news for my children and all women in my family. Should those genes test positive for mutation, that person's offspring have a 50/50 chance of getting breast cancer themselves. I'm breathing a sigh of relief for my two girls. There are more genetic tests being run on some of the less common gene mutations like the P10 gene that is linked to breast cancer in women and thyroid cancer in men. My father had thyroid cancer a handful of years ago, so this gene is of particular interest. However, we will not know the results of further testing for three months. For now, I count myself blessed.

Giving Thanks!

My Family
Many people have asked how my three precious children are doing during this huge change in all our lives. I have to say they sure are troopers! I was afraid once they saw my head shaved, the reality of it at would sink in and be extra tough on them. However, my kids are so resilient and they understand this is all part of what has to happen in the battle. It was a wise choice making this happen on Halloween. My daughter Maddie, who did not like it when my hair got cut above my shoulders a few months ago, was probably the most surprised. But she saw it, she took it in, she moved on...there was trick or treating to be had after all. Katie and Brody did just fine. What my kids gained in return, was the pet they've always wanted! My kids love to pet my baldy head. I think I'm gonna let them name it! Funny thing is that now they're learning about shedding. My hair is falling out in droves at this point so it's not going to be the soft pet-able fuzz buzz for long. Who knew we'd have pet care lessons tied into all this. Crazy that my kids' pet is slowly morphing from a cute and fuzzy short-hair to its current state as an unidentifiable mutt with mange eventually into one of those naked Sphynx cats or hairless Chihuahua's!

Scott is also handling this very well. He's been an amazing source of strength for me, and he's filling in where I need help on the days I'm not feeling so grand. It's a lot for anyone to take on, but he's doing it with grace and with strength, and I love him dearly for that.

So now it's time to give some SHOUT OUTS to others who deserve to be recognized!

Krista Krallman
I'll start off with one of my "breasties," Krista Krallman. She just got back from her one-year breast cancer survivor victory tour of the Bahamas. WOOT, WOOT!!!!!! I can't describe how important she is to me. She's the only one I know who has been through this breast cancer journey in similar fashion bringing a young family along for the ride. She has been expertly guiding me step-by-step, letting me know what to expect at every turn. The fear of the unknown is the worst, but I haven't had to deal with so much of that because Krista has been my light illuminating my path and chasing away much of the fear. I see how strong she is after making her way through her journey, and that gives me the strength to know that I can do it, too. When my kids were afraid and didn't know what breast cancer meant for mommy, I could point to a shining example of what can be. This made them feel immensely better. Last week, Krista accompanied me for a wig fitting at Cathy Halloran's Boutique in St. Elizabeth Hospital Crestview. Cathy is the most hilarious and outrageous breast cancer survivor you will ever meet. She started a non-profit organization called Chicks & Chucks to help breast cancer patients who can't help themselves. What a gift to have her in my life right now! If you need a good pee-your-pants kinda laugh, listen to the podcast on her website from a comedy show fundraiser she did a few years back at http://chicksandchucks.org. So, Krista, Cathy and I had a hooting good time at my wig fitting. Thank god Krista, the voice of reason, was there to talk me out of some catastrophic wig disasters. All I had to do was look at her face as I slapped those puppies on top of my noggin. Her expression spoke a thousand words! In the end, we found some good compromises. Nothing is ever going to look like my hair, but we did our best. This one did not make the cut:

Rock it out, Joan Jett!

Carrie Howell and Allison White
Carrie Howell pointed out to me on Facebook that I truly did forget one of the best moments of our head shaving trip on Halloween. This was the EPIC ROCK OUT to Katie Perry's ROAR on the way home. I'll let her describe it:

"I'm thinking Chemo Brain has already sunk in Heidi!!!!!  I read the updated blog and noticed you missed the BEST event of the WHOLE day - our ride home after the shave and "Roar" comes over the radio!  The three of us (with Allison White) sang/screamed that song soooo loud we were hoarse afterwards!  We had that car rockin' and rolling - literally with all our jumping and who-hollering!  It was a wonder the auto-windows still worked after all the rain coming in the car since we wanted to shout it out to the world what a warrior you are :)  Just maybe the wine had a little play in all our craziness, but still in my book, it rocked...and so do you!!  :)" -- Carrie Howell

Sorry about the new car, Brennan! Does it help if I tell you it was totally worth the jam session?!?! And here's the response from Allison White:


Here's my "breasties" before and after:

Allison White, Me with hair, Carrie Howell

Carrie Howell, Me sans hair, Allison White, Awesome Stylist Christy Honchell

Texas and Beyond
Now to all my beloved family and friends in Texas. I know we are miles and miles apart, but I feel your support and your strength every day. To my super besties Diane's Blair, Diane Sodolak, and Sarah Walls, thank you so much for all of the cards, gift cards, blankets, goodies, words of encouragement and love you have bestowed upon me and my family. Kristin Gleditsch Paetzel, what a beautiful care package you sent. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will always love and admire you!!! To all my lady family members, my fabulous mom Kathleen Slater, my loving mother-in-law Cecilia Slansky, my spectacular sister Heather Mayo, and my fun and wild sister-in-laws Connie Reichardt, Kelly Slater, and Amanda Cendalski, thank you so much for the chemo package! I was, by far, the best outfitted in the chemo ward yesterday!!! So much comfort in a box! Thank you, daddy, for the beautiful flowers and book. I feel your love and strength daily. As a cancer survivor, I know you have a deeper understanding of what I am facing. And to my crazy brother, Stefan, who shaved his head in solidarity, not that you don't shave it all the time, but I do appreciate the particular shaving dedicated to me! Love you, Bunky!!! To my awesome newphews Colten and Clay who wore pink while playing football in my honor, I love you and can't wait to give you a big hug. Oh, and I have to thank my friend Bev Fritsch's son Clayton for adding my name to his pink football towel and taking me into battle with him. How awesome is that!!! And, finally, to so many across the country who have sent such loving support through cards, flowers and Facebook posts, I can't thank you enough. I pull such strength from your words of encouragement. I hope you know how much I love and adore you all!!!

North Pointe Elementary
To all my super supportive friends at North Pointe elementary, I couldn't do this without you! What a loving family. I cannot tell you how comforting it is knowing you are looking out for my little ones during this difficult time. Not only are you supporting them, but you are lifting me as well! Akrivi Watson and Julie Stewart, you are two of my favorite people on the Earth! There are many others in the North Pointe Family I don't know quite as well yet, but do so appreciate your kind words and support. It keeps me strong to keep up the fight! Julie Stewart and Andrea Smith even started a Premier Jewelry Party in my honor on Facebook with the help of crazy jewelry lady Krysta Wright. Click here to check it out: Link to the Jewelry Party. If you have trouble or are not on Facebook, you can visit krystawright.mypremierdesigns.com or call Krysta at 859-653-8126 or email her at bzmomma@twc.com. The access code is NOV00.

Parlor Grove
I also want to recognize some amazing folks from Parlor Grove who have been bringing such comforting food to us: Lori Mazzaro, Lorraine Buck, the Wagstaff's, Krista Krallman and Kelly Bloom's beautiful mother Helen Craven, the Howells, the Whites, and Katie and Jim McGuire who brought over homemade Sicilian and pesto sauces along with chicken lasagnas! Yum, yum!!!

Carrie, Krista, Kelly, and Allison. I thank you so much for all the kid watching and running and bus duty! I simply do not know how I would navigate this without you!

One final and special shout out for today. This one goes to my neighbor and friend Jena Buck Buckeye who is a freshman at Ohio State. She stepped in for me when I needed her the most to fill in as Katie's Girls on the Run running buddy. She has already run in the North Pointe Elementary 5K with Katie and will run in the big Girls on the Run race in downtown Cincinnati next weekend! Jena shows such wisdom and caring for one so young. Your Emma angel has got to be beaming with pride to have such an awesome big sister. We love you, Jena!

Jena Buck and Katie

Friday, November 1, 2013

Comments Welcome...Unless You're No Fun

Please feel free to post comments!!! I have my blog set so I have to approve comments first before they post...just trying to keep out the freaks, ya'll! If your comment doesn't post within about 24 hours try it again 'cause either something went wrong, or I've been too busy celebrating life to check for comments! Hugs to you all!

Shave It, Baby!!!

Allison White (front), Stylist Christy Honchell, Me, Carrie Howell (back)
We had more fun getting my head shaved on Halloween than should be legal! I was accompanied by two of my besties, Carrie Howell and Allison White, and a few bottles of wine. I sure missed my other besties on this special day, but there is much more fun to be had at a later date. I can guarantee that! So Carrie set this all up at her favorite hair place called Fusion Salon in Aurora, IN, with her completely awesome stylist, Christy Honchell. We started off with a little wine drinking...ok, maybe more than a little...and the entire salon joined in on our festivities. Everyone there was simply fantastic and made our experience so fun and memorable. Christy's sweet and sexy brother, Joey, even went on a wine run for us when our supplies ran low! You really had to be there to understand what a great time we had, but just imagine, if you will, a salon full of super fun, super thoughtful folks who lifted us all to make this the best chemo head shaving party ever!!! Hell, how many ladies get to make this drastic of a change on Halloween?!?! I'm a lucky one, I am, for so many reasons!!!
Is there a better way to go bald!
The Awesome Fusion Salon crew in Aurora, Indiana! Great gals!
Oh, Sexy Joey! Great job picking out wines!

Christy made me rock the baldy!
The After Look! Can you hear Sinead sing, "Nothing compares to you!"