Saturday, October 26, 2013

Welcome to The Breast of Both Worlds

As many of you may know, writing always has been and always will be my therapy. It's how I celebrate joys, work through problems, and move forward by reporting then letting things fall out of my head. I'm starting this blog for two main reasons, the first of which is to share all of the often complex and easily misinterpreted information about my recently-diagnosed breast cancer. Second, this is where I will share my thoughts and musings then move past them to further the fight. But, if you also know me, this is where the seriousness ends. If I can't find something to laugh about, then I need more than my breasts examined!!!

I named my blog "The Breast of Both Worlds" because life is full of dichotomies that split our paths unexpectedly. I am on a new path started by some bad crap making its home in my ta-tas, but I plan to make the best of my life with breast cancer as I did before this beast became an unwelcome part of my life. I am determined to have the Breast of Both Worlds! Plus, my first two title options were already taken, so I had to make all that shit up for the sake of cohesion and continuity! Welcome to my blog!!!


  1. Looks fantastic! Can't wait to see where the journey will take you. We will be with you every step of the way. Love you Sis! "You're gonna hear me ROAR!!!"

  2. We will be pushing for you to have the loudest ROAR around! Keep the positive attitude.

  3. Thanks for allowing us to follow you on this path in this way. Especially those of us who can't be by your side like we want to be. I'm sure you will make us all laugh and cry at some point. I look forward to reading more. I know one day we will be celebrating you being in remission. That will be a heck of a celebration.

  4. Your blog brings a tear to my eye; not of sadness but nostalga. Always loved reading what you wrote. I know you'll grab this latest tiger by the tail and give it a good butt whippin'. I've seen grown men cower in your presence. Lifting you up daily in prayer. You're not alone in this journey. Start each day with a roar.

  5. Thanks so much for your comment, Kay! That is exactly the type of encouragement I need right now. I want to make this cancer cower and wonder why it ever decided to invade this chick!!!
