Friday, June 13, 2014

Way to go, Katie, for turning lemons into lemonade!

Katie and Cathy Halloran
This past weekend during the Parlor Grove garage sale, some of the neighbor girls got together and ran a lemonade and cookie stand. My daughter, Katie, knew when they hatched this plan that she wanted to donate her portion of the proceeds to a breast cancer charity. Today, she did just that! She turned her money over to Cathy Halloran who founded Chicks and Chucks, a breast cancer support charity organization. Cathy has done so much to help me and so many other women from Northern Kentucky who are facing this disease. She is the funniest woman with no titties you'll ever meet. I am honored to call her one of my "breast friends," and I am beyond proud of Katie for wanting to give back to those who have helped her momma. I love you sweetie!

Katie loved making signs for the big sale!

The girls hard at work!