Saturday, March 22, 2014

Double Mastectomy Done!

My double mastectomy Thursday morning went quite well! The surgical oncologist, Dr. Heidi Murley, first did her part to remove both breasts, then the plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Vashi, did his part to place the expanders for the first stage of the breast reconstruction. I will get the pathology reports Monday or Tuesday which will tell us how successful the chemo was in tackling the cancer. I zipped right through the recovery, and I was back home by Friday at noon! I am well taken care of here by family and friends so I hope to continue this path of quick recovery! Thanks to all for your love and support. I couldn't do it without you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Saying Ta Ta to the Ta-Tas

Tomorrow, March 20, is when I bid farewell to my ta-tas. I'm not sad. In fact, I'm ready to get this next phase going because it makes me feel like I'm doing everything I can to eradicate this cancer. The boobies were good to me (they nursed my three babies after all), that was until the bitches tried to do me in! So now it's my turn to strike back.

At this point in my treatment, I am just so thankful I am done with chemo. Those last two rounds were rough so once the worst of the side effects passed, I got busy celebrating life again and making the most of the couple weeks between that and my surgery. I will not miss the list of "indignities" that come with chemo, like playing dot-to-dot with the handful of eyebrow hairs that decided to stick with me to the end, the neuropathy that has me dropping lots of things and feeling clumsy, and the horrible effects on the taste buds that leave food utterly unenjoyable. But I must admit these are not the worst of the indignities by far, they are the ones I can mention in polite company…the others, well, let's just say I hope I never have to share them with you and I hope you never have to endure them.

So it is with joy in my heart and peace in my soul that I face tomorrow's double mastectomy and start of reconstruction. I am meeting it with slightly less strength than I had hoped, but that's what a good poisoning of your body with chemo can do for you. I do still have strength to spare, so that's what I will rely on along with all of the incredible support so very many of you have shown me over these past several months. I can't thank you enough!

I've posted several of the following photos on Facebook, but I realize not everyone is on FB, so I'll share them here as well. Yes, I've been busy celebrating the end of chemo and preparing to say farewell to the boobies! Too much fun!

Celebrating this past weekend with the Howell's and the Krallman's.

My super, dear friend Carrie Howell who has stood by my side through it all.

Yeah, we had a good time that night. This was just the start!

Our guys showing support for the ta-tas.

Carrie, Brennan, Scott and I had a head start, but Krista and Lee caught up with us.

Preparing to get my R-O-A-R on with the girls!

Love these ladies so very much! Krista, Allison, Kelly, Carrie and my mom. I only wish we had snapped a photo while Akrivi, Julie and Andrea were with us that night! How wonderful to be surrounded by such amazing ladies!

Krista coaching me through this journey and sitting by my side at The Day of  Celebration.

Enjoying the opportunity to model a fur at The Day of Celebration for breast cancer survivors. Don't be a hater, it's faux fur ;)